Jul 25, 2011


Dear everybody,
I just had to share with you the sheer awesomeness of my cousin Stacey.
Why you ask?
Well you see, right now she is currently in India all by herself on a humanitarian trip to help people and children over there and if I am not mistaken people with leprosy.
I know she has done many humanitarian trips before and this is her biggest yet, and I thought it would be neat to share her blog so you can follow her adventures across the world.
Here is her blog site
Also I am going to start posting my recipes for quick, easy and delicious dinners, and when I say quick and easy I mean for most of my recipes if it has over six ingredients it doesn't usually make an appearance at our dinner table.. Let me rephrase, dinner counter, our table is in storage and I miss it so very badly, (weird?)
(And don't worry I really do have recipes with more than six ingredients and I do know how to cook... I tend to get a little sarcastic late at night, my apologies)
That is all for tonight, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend, we sure did and I will be telling you about it soon, I bet your excited.
Again with the sarcasm, I'm done, I swear.
Till next time

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