Apr 14, 2012

Catch Up

I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last post, to say time has been flying by would be an understatement. 
And there is sooo much that I would like to blog about but honestly I just don't have the time right now.
So, having said that what I am going to do is try and put it in one big post :) 
Oh joy, here we go.
Micah at 3 am-
 We celebrated Jonathan's big 22nd Birthday this past month as well.
I surprised him by taking him to lunch and to Hunger Games (which I LOVED) and got him a very much needed Iphone 4S.
After the movie we went to Cheesecake Factory at City Creek with my family.
Love you Jonathan, hope you had an amazing birthday!
One morning while feeding Micah, I could hear something going on in the kitchen but I had no clue what it was. 
Go in, and Kale had been stuffing his face with Doritos that were on the TOP shelf of our pantry.
He kills me sometimes.
 We had a really fun Easter, Kale loved every single thing about it. I love Easter outfits, Kale got a new shirt from Grandma and Micah wore the outfit Kale did on his first Easter (it was just a tad too big)
 Micah LOVES bath time, he always almost falls asleep, but Kale makes good and sure that doesn't happen, Kale's very "helpful" at bath time.
 I don't know how he does it, but he always always gets his blanket up over his face, and that's how he likes it.
All of us on Easter.
(It was really bright)
It has been a pretty crazy month but it has been amazing.
I am one very very blessed girl to have such amazing family and people in my life.
I will try to post more, Micah is slowly getting on a schedule.
But for right now, I really value my sleep :)
Till next time.